Ways to give.

Bruntsfield Evangelical Church is supported by the worship-filled giving of its members as we offer back to God some of what he has graciously gifted to us.

The gifts go to supporting the work of Bruntsfield Evangelical Church and mission both here in Scotland and further afield. We always endeavour to be good stewards of all that we receive. 

  • Standing Order

    You can set up a standing order to give to the church. Bank details and Gift Aid forms are available if you email manager@bruntsfield.org.uk or speak to Ian Naismith. For many, this is the most convenient way to give regularly to God's work.

  • Contactless/Chip & Pin Machine

    Contactless/Chip & Pin Machine

    You can give through the Contactless/Chip & Pin machine located in the foyer. The machine includes options on how your donation can be directed and allows you to make a Gift Aid declaration.

  • Donation Box

    You can put your offering in a marked envelope and place in the blue box affixed to the notice board in the foyer of the church (envelopes affixed to the box). If you are a taxpayer, please complete a Gift Aid form to enable us to claim Gift Aid from the Government.


  • Online Payment

    You can also give online by making secure payments through Stewardship.